Kids’ rock climbing holds with friendly shapes to create a wall for your child.

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The 25 Kids Wall Pack Set #2 includes ten large jugs most children can grip. The shape of these ten climbing holds is quite rounded, which provides a very comfortable lip to grab. Most children of any age group can grasp these. 

The remaining fifteen holds offer various edges, rails, mini jugs, and pockets.  They are all handholds for the intermediate climber, while these fifteen are footholds for your youngster. 

This set provides a positive climbing experience for your children today while having the flexibility to be used on future steeper walls for them as they grow. 

Yes, you need Footholds! Footholds are smaller than handholds yet big enough to stand on. Footholds, on average, have a lower cost per hold when compared to handholds. The majority of the holds in this set are handholds. For each 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, expect to use 15 footholds. A set we love to complement 25 Kids Wall Pack #2 (Screw-On) is our 15 Basic Tennis Shoe Friendly Feet (Screw-On) or the 10 Medium Scoops BFF (Screw-On)

  • SIZE: The ten large holds average size is 5" wide x 3" tall x 2-1/4" standing off the wall. 
  • SIZE: The fifteen small to medium holds average size id 4" wide x 2-1/2" tall x 1-1/4" standing off the wall. 
  • Set #2 is an excellent set for elementary-aged children to equip a 32 square foot area. 
  • TEXTURE: The texture offers a skin-friendly grip that feels like natural rock.