Deal of the Day: 5 Large Steep Wall Slopers
Color: Dark Blue
Reason for DOD: Test pour
This product is not returnable, and there are no color requests.
The 5 Large Steep Wall Slopers are some of the most cost-effective slopers you can put on your wall. These designs offer just enough size to be considered a sloper while keeping the materials to produce them at a minimum.
The holds are directionally-shaped, which means as you rotate them, they reveal a more challenging grip area. The incut is level to slightly slopey on a 45-degree angled wall, so you can expert an intermediate to expert level hold in that terrain. Expect V5/V6 in steep terrain.
For the beginner, this is an excellent set for vertical to slightly overhanging walls. They feel like a textured incut cobblestone which is incut enough to introduce beginners to sloper climbing holds. On a vertical wall, you can expect V1.