DEAL OF THE DAY 5 Large Steep Wall Slopers DARK BLUE

Kick the wall back for some sloper action.

Wall Type determines the required bolt length needed to pass through the hold and the climbing wall. If you are not purchasing hardware, this option doesn't matter.

Availability: 1 in stock


Deal of the Day: 5 Large Steep Wall Slopers

Color: Dark Blue

Reason for DOD: Test pour

This product is not returnable, and there are no color requests.

The 5 Large Steep Wall Slopers are some of the most cost-effective slopers you can put on your wall. These designs offer just enough size to be considered a sloper while keeping the materials to produce them at a minimum.

The holds are directionally-shaped, which means as you rotate them, they reveal a more challenging grip area.  The incut is level to slightly slopey on a 45-degree angled wall, so you can expert an intermediate to expert level hold in that terrain.  Expect V5/V6 in steep terrain.

For the beginner, this is an excellent set for vertical to slightly overhanging walls. They feel like a textured incut cobblestone which is incut enough to introduce beginners to sloper climbing holds. On a vertical wall, you can expect V1.

  • Measures on Average: 4-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" tall x 2-1/4" standing off the wall.
  • V5/6 on a 45-degree wall.
  • V1 on a vertical wall.
  • Texture: Atomik 1.0