The "Vertical" part of the name means they are slopers on a vertical wall. The holds are all neutral to slopey to start with so expect aa challenge. The divots do offer a little bit of help staying on them, however, the divots are subtle. Compared to the "Steep Wall" version, this set is lower profiled.
James Kase
Awesome slopers
Super fun, full handed slopers with subtle divots and smooth texture. I have 2 on my 25 degree wall and 3 around a corner on vertical. The divots make a big difference on these
soo k
great sloper set for anyone collecting slopers
I have a slightly overhung wall (20degrees) and got these instead of the steep slopers... the divots feel great once you find the right spot to position your fingers. There's 2 slightly more positive holds, 1moderate positive, and 2 slightly more negative holds. Great variety and i like that they are not symmetrical and provide you options by rotating. Also i think the atomik 2.0 texture is great.
Johnnie Curls
Make interesting and difficult routes
There is a great assortment of slopers in this pack which is perfect. Slopers are very interesting holds that train you for other holds that are difficult to grab onto. This makes them great for making a wall more difficult and also appealing.